Monday, May 16, 2011

Yes I am....

  I'm new to blogging and I didn't really want my first post ever to be lengthy but that's just how it's gotta be this time. My original intent was to blog about life as a mama of two boys (one of which says some of the craziest things) but, as fate would have it, I got knocked up before my first post so I will now be blogging about life as a mama of two boys with a bun in ye 'ole oven.

  I need to backtrack to February for those of you still reading. I felt like God was laying something huge on my heart and I had recurring dreams about taking positive pregnancy tests. The morning after one of those dreams Jacob found one of the old positive tests we had saved when we found out we were pregnant with Judah (gross, I know, don't judge). I actually took two pregnancy tests in early March because my husband kept teasing me that I was knocked up, they were both negative. On the morning of March 12, Kevin opened a jar of peanut butter and that's all it took to send me running to hug the toilet. He insisted that I take just one more test but I already knew how it would turn out. The blank test quickly changed to a little pink plus sign. Kevin was thrilled, I was terrified. We wanted a third child but not this soon. We had just payed off the Jeep which we are rapidly outgrowing as it is. I had just lost all of my baby weight from Judah. We are still paying off my hospital bill from Judah's birth. Little man had just started sleeping twelve hours a night. I spent the day in a state of shock with all of these negative thoughts running through my head, Kevin spent the day reminding me what a blessing this was. My husband was right and by the end of the day I knew what a gift it was. We tried to conceive our second child for almost a year. I spent that year full of discouragement and sadness. We were spared that heartache this time around and I'm so grateful. "Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from Him." Psalm 127:3

  Our joy quickly turned to fear a week after finding out about the little peanut when I started spotting. My doctor had me come in for an ultrasound to make sure all was okay and to date the pregnancy. The ultrasound found nothing but an empty uterus. We were told it was one of three things: an ectopic pregnancy that would have to be removed, an abnormal pregnancy headed for miscarriage, or an early pregnancy that would not show up on ultrasound yet. I was sent to the lab for bloodwork on that Friday afternoon with a follow up lab Monday morning. I was told if my hcg levels doubled the pregnancy was viable, if they didn't we would discuss "options". I knew that I needed someone to intercede for me in prayer. I asked a small group of friends to hit their knees for me and boy did they ever. These women spent that weekend speaking life and scripture over my child and sending me the most beautiful and encouraging emails (all of which I'm including in this baby's baby book). I received the call from my doctor at 11:00 Monday morning that my levels had doubled and they would like me back for another ultrasound a week later. It was a long week but worth the wait when we finally got to see him/her and that precious flicker of a heartbeat.

  As of today I am 13 weeks 4 days and at my appointment this morning we were able to hear the little person's heartbeat on the doppler. A perfect 162 beats per minute! *Side note: before anybody wants to weigh in on gender related to heartbeat let me say that Jacob's stayed steady in the 160-170 range and Judah's never got above 142, and we truly have no preference about what gender this baby is.* We have received so much encouragement about having children so close together, only one or two people have put their two cents in about us being crazy. The way we see it is that God knew this child would be coming to us before we ever considered having children. We feel blessed and humbled that He would choose us to raise three precious children.

  So that's it for my first post. If you stuck it out this far, thank you and I promise the next one won't take an hour to read!


  1. Well Mama, I feel you're going to have another precious boy in the family. So get ready to never ever have the toilet seat down, NEVER!! God bless the littlest one along with the two that you have!!

  2. Your baby story is almost EXACTLY the same as our little girl's story! God has a plan and I am SO excited for you! Congrats!

  3. Oh Wendi! I have enjoyed being on this journey with you and am so excited for what God has instore for you! I love you all of you so much. Jacob will forever be my boyfriend...or atleast until i have a little girl. =) Love you guys so much and i am soooo excited!

  4. Oh Wendi, I am so excited for your family. I love you all so much. Cant wait to meet this new precious gift from God. Thank you for allowing me to go on this journey with you... I am always here for and all of your boys have such a special place in my heart. Jacob will forever be my least until i have a little girl who can take that place. Love you!

  5. Loved reading this! You can do it! Brandon was 3 1/2, and Gretchen was 15 months when Jordan was born! Loved it!!
